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DIY Sandpaper Letters (DIY Tactile Letters using Puffy Paint)

DIY Sandpaper Letters (DIY Tactile Letters using Puffy Paint)

We can make our own sandpaper letters with the things we find around the house. There are so many alphabet sandpaper letters being sold, but it is difficult to find for other languages. I cannot find any Japanese sandpaper letters. We can use any materials, as long as we fulfill the purpose of it being "tactile". It can be felt by the fingertips to form "muscular memory" of the letter shapes, way before the child learns to write them with a pencil/a pen.

I tried making DIY Sandpaper Letters 2x. The first time I used mung beans pasted with hot glue gun. The process of making was really tedious and when used by my child the beans kept dropping so it was frustrating.

The second time, I made DIY Tactile Letters with Puffy Paint and it can be considered a success. My child already tried it and he likes using it. Also, it is more durable. (Inspired by Chalk Academy, and I modified it with the things I have at home)


Cardboard box

Sticker paper

Homemade Puffy Paint (recipe link below)


1. Cut the cardboard boxes into the desired size. I cut about 10x20cm each piece, because the child needs to place his left hand on the blank side (left side) of the piece, so it can be steady when he traces the letter with his right hand.

2. Print the letters on the sticker paper (I used light grey colour, ultra thin size). Paste the paper sticker on each cardboard box piece.

3. Make the puffy paint.

4. Trace/write on the font on the sticker paper with the puffy paint, wait until it dries up.

Happy DIY-ing!


Inspiration for DIY Tactile letters:

(Bahasa Indonesia)

Haloo teman-teman! Kita bisa lho bikin sandpaper letters sendiri pakai bahan-bahan yang ada di rumah. Apalagi kalau mau buat sandpaper letters selain bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris, karena ga ada yang jual jadi mau ga mau bikin sendiri. Kita bisa pakai bahan apa saja, intinya harus "tactile" bisa dirasakan oleh indera peraba di jari anak, sehingga terbentuk "muscular memory" tentang bentuk huruf-huruf tersebut, sebelum si anak menulis dengan pensil/pen.

Aku 2x coba bikin DIY sandpaper letters. Yang pertama pakai biji kacang hijau ditempel pakai hot glue, bikinnya repot, uda gitu ternyata mudah rontok ketika dipakai sama anak, jadinya kesel sendiri hahaha.

Nah yang kedua ini bisa dibilang sukses, udah ditest juga sama anak, dia suka dan bisa lebih tahan lama ya, DIY Tactile Letters using Puffy Paint. (Inspirasinya dapat dari Chalk Academy, dan aku modifikasi sesuai barang yang ada di rumah)

Bahan: Kardus bekas, kertas sticker, Homemade Puffy Paint


1. Potong kardus sebesar ukuran yang diinginkan. Kalau aku masing-masing huruf kira-kira 10x20cm, karena perlu tempat untuk tangan kiri anak pegang materialnya ketika tangan kanan tracing hurufnya.

2. Print huruf (Fontnya warna light grey, dan yg ultra thin) di atas kertas sticker. Lalu tempel kertas sticker di atas kardus.

3. Buat homemade puffy paint. Aku pakai resep dari Meaningful Mama, link resep di bawah ya.

4. Tracing font yang sudah diprint di atas kertas sticker itu dengan puffy paint, diamkan sampai kering. Jadi deh! 

Selamat mencoba dan berkreasi ya. Hehe.


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